Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Growing Tobacco?Organic Fertilizers For Your Homegrown Tobacco

Growing Tobacco?Organic Fertilizers For Your Homegrown Tobacco

Are you growing tobacco at home? Or are you considering starting your own garden tobacco, because of the ridiculous prices in the stores, or concerns about the additives in commercial tobacco products? Perhaps you never thought about it, but organic is the very best way to raise your homegrown tobacco.I'm sure that some would say tobacco and organic used together doesn't make much sense. However, tobacco is a natural plant, closely related to tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. "Organic gardening" could be defined as growing fruits and vegetables (as well as flowers, lawn grass or any other type plant), using only things found in nature, or things that are natural. In other words, avoiding the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and such, which are harmful to the environment, and to our health. So, why not grow tobacco organically, too? We don't eat tobacco, but we surely do consume

More on Quit Smoking..

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