Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Freedom After 40 Years, Nenejune's Quit Smoking Story

From quitsmoking.about.com/od/quitsmo ... nejune.htmNenejune's Quit Smoking StoryFreedom After 40 Years: My Quit StoryI doubt that my story will be much different than other quit smoking stories. As much as we are unique as individuals, I have found that as nicotine addicts, we are very much alike. If anyone new to quitting reads this, maybe they will see something of themselves and realize that they too can quit smoking.I started smoking at the tender age of 15. That would have been about 1968, and people smoked everywhere at that time. There were cigarette ads on TV, in magazines, and on billboards. Characters smoked on TV and in the movies. People smoked in restaurants, stores, offices, and in their homes. Anyone, any age, could buy cigarettes from a machine for about 50 cents a pack.My dad smoked, but my mom never did. No one ever told me not to smoke, but somehow I knew I wasn’t supposed to, especially because I was under 18. It was common for the boys my age to smoke, but not

More on Quit Smoking..

1 comment:

  1. Are you paying more than $5 / pack of cigarettes? I buy my cigarettes at Duty Free Depot and this saves me over 70%.
