Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It didn't even.........

You all probably remember how smoking seemed like the answer for so many things, how it would "calm down" when difficult and somewhat or totally stressful moments were unfolding in life. Yesterday i had one of those days and evenings when i would have smoked easily 5 cigs during my 25 minutes ride back home and probably finished half a pack in the evening. Just to give you some details, at work there was an overload of patients and we were understaffed, at times i could not even clean up a room in order to take in the next patient and they kept filling up all the chairs in the waiting room. It's a little bit the same feeling like when you need to "go" but the toiled is clugged............. some despair sets in...............Worked until 8:30pm, at which time i got a phone call from my 12 y.o. telling me she run out of popsickle sticks for her school project due the next there i go, without having eaten since noon, hunting down for a craft store

More on Quit Smoking..

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